Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Baby Equipment Safety In The Home

!±8± Baby Equipment Safety In The Home

You might look around your house and think that is a safe place, but put a baby or toddler in there and you eyes will be opened.

The problem is that babies and toddlers have no sense of danger and this is what makes everyday items, a possible threat to their safety.

Baby safety and child safety is really a matter of common sense and vigilance and the use of good recommended baby safety equipment.

Just to keep you on your toes, be aware, that

'What They Couldn't Do Yesterday They Might Be Able To Do Today'

Here are some baby equipment safety items you will need as your child becomes more mobile. Now you will find your house has more hazards, here are some things to watch out for.

Baby Equipment Safety In The Kitchen

When your baby starts moving around and can pull himself up to a standing position, the kitchen is one of the first areas to become a danger zone.

Push everything to the back of the kitchen worktops and don't let electrical flexes hang within reach of you toddler.

Always turn the panhandles towards the back of the cooker and keep all chemicals, paint, medicines locked away.

Baby Equipment Safety In The Living Room

You can tell your baby to stay away from the gas or electric fires till you're blue in the face, but they will just think that is a game, and won't be deterred until they've stuck their fingers in it.

A fireguard is the best way to resolve this.

Baby Equipment Safety And The Stairs

Get a couple of stair gates, one at the bottom and another at the top of the staircase.

Make sure that they are secured firmly in place and the catches work properly. Remember that the stair gates need to be secure to protect your baby, as well as being easy for you to open with one hand, when you are carrying your baby up and down the stairs.

Baby Safety In The Bathroom

This is where you will find your toddler, if you give them half a chance.

He will be fascinated with water and this room not only has it down the toilet, but if you turn those things, it comes whooshing out. This is probably the room that will make you burst into tears if you are not prepared.

The bathroom becomes a problem when your baby is on the move.

Toilets are fascinating to your baby, and he will put his hands and arms into them if he can. Apart from the risk of drowning when he dives in headfirst, you could also find your car keys, letter, jewellery or anything else that he can get his hands on down there, so watch what you flush!

A toilet lock is a handy way to stop the little fingers opening the lid.

Toddlers love to play with running water and if they can turn on the taps they will.

Apart from flooding the bathroom, water from the hot tap will quickly scald them. And a full bath is a drowning hazard.

There are gadgets that can go over the taps, but it is good to get into the habit of turning the taps off tightly and winding the plug chain round the taps.

Get used to shutting the bathroom door. It may also be worth fitting a small bolt high up on the outside of the door as soon as your baby is able to open it, better to keep this room 'out of bounds' before you have a disaster in there.

Baby Equipment Safety In The Home

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